Navigating Reporting Season

Navigating Reporting Season What to Expect and How to Prepare Henry Jennings | August 6th 2023 | Articles This article was originally published for nabtrade “A ship in harbour is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” It is that time again! Once again, we are entering treacherous waters. Reporting season is…

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Ex-dividend Date Forecasts

Someone asked, so here it is. Using the Marcus Today DIVIDEND PREDICTOR, you can find our best guess at an ex-dividend date. But you can only look at one stock at a time. Then we have our Dividend Tables  – but they only ever show dividends that have been announced. So they won't include the…

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Forecast Ex-dividend Dates

Someone asked, so here it is. Using the Marcus Today DIVIDEND PREDICTOR, you can find our best guess at an ex-dividend date. But you can only look at one stock at a time. Then we have our Dividend Tables  – but they only ever show dividends that have been announced. So they won't include the…

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Income investing 101

Income Investing 101

Many retirees open a bank account for dividends. Every stock they buy they do the paperwork directing the share registry to pay any dividends into that bank account. Non-retiree investors, as well as some of the wealthier retiree investors, will elect instead to have the registry use the dividend to buy more shares under the…

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