bubbles and tulipmania

Bubbles and Tulipomania

In 1623. A single tulip bulb sold for a thousand Dutch florins, seven times the average annual wage. The average tulip trader made sixty thousand florins a month. 400 times the annual wage. 40 bulbs sold for 100,000 florins. You could have bought 3,333 pigs for the same price. People were selling possessions to speculate…

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Risk and reward

Investment Philosophy

Most fund managers have an Investment Philosophy. For some it is little more than a marketing blurb on their website, for others it is their core. An “Investment Philosophy” for professional fiund managers is required for compliance purposes (compliance with compliance) but it goes beyond that. An Investment Philosophy, whilst it can be updated and…

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why ETFs

Why ETFs

  Embarrassingly our ETF portfolio has been outperforming our other portfolios (written on 17th February 2021). It is a revelation that this low-cost, low activity, low stress, low administration, relaxed portfolio, exposed to compounding returns in the Australian market as well as the HACK, FANG, FUEL and S&P 500, is outperforming our Australian stock picking…

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Results Reactions

Results reactions as of Saturday 13th February 2021 This table shows the performance of stocks since recent results announcements or guidance – stocks are listed in market cap order biggest to smallest: This is some of the research post results this week. Macquarie results – Guidance was typically conservative but the fourth-quarter performance from the…

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Key themes for 2021

Key themes and risks for 2021

KEY THEMES FOR 2021 The highest probability prediction is that the themes that are trending at the moment will continue to trend. There is no point us heading off down some lonely contrarian road just because it’s 2021. Believe what is happening now, invest in that and the odds are that you will be more…

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