Stock Market News: Bill Shorten and Cash Refunds

Background: In March this year Bill Shorten pledged that should Labor win the upcoming election then from 1st July 2019 they will axe cash refunds for excess imputation credits paid to individuals and in superannuation funds. This would reverse the cash refund of imputation credits introduced by John Howard two decades ago. It would also…

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The Golden Nest egg for your grandchildren

Retirement Today: Grandkids Folio

Grandkids Folio. It was fascinating to read Henrys response to the ‘Ask Henry’ question about setting up a folio for a grandchild. We’ve ‘been there and done that’ and can totally support Henry’s advice. We set up a folio for our grandchildren quite some time ago. We looked at structures where they would be joint…

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Catholic or Private School

This was written in 2014…. A friend is trying to decide whether to send their child to the local Catholic School or the local Private School. They have a choice and have asked me to do a few numbers. Here’s the benefit of having the Lord by your side: If you assume that all other…

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