Terms & Conditions

Marcus Today Pty Ltd ABN 57 110 971 689 is a Corporate Authorised Representative (no. 310093) of AdviceNet Pty Ltd ABN 35 122 720 512 (AFSL 308200).

MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd strives to produce a top-quality newsletter that educates, explains, informs and entertains. We are in the business of bringing the mysteries and intricacies of the stock market to all investors so that they can understand it and profit from it. If you have any suggestions for the improvement of the newsletter to better meet your needs, please email us at info@marcustoday.com.au.


  • MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd aims to provide comprehensive coverage in our newsletter throughout the year. However, please note that on certain days, due to key contributors being out of the office, specific sections of the newsletter may not be included.
  • For all membership levels:
    • You will pay for a 1-month, 6-month, 12-month or 24-month subscription at the price offered on the website (or through any promotion that may be running at that time).
    • At the end of this subscription, we will automatically re-bill you. You are under no obligation to renew and we will remind you before renewing your next subscription.

REFUND POLICY: Member satisfaction is important to us, and we understand that our service will not suit everyone’s needs. Accordingly, all new subscribers to Marcus Today are entitled to a 30-day money-back guarantee (please note that this does not apply to existing/past members or new 1-month subscribers). Any introductory gifts or prizes must be returned in their original condition before a refund will be made. In the event that the report does not fulfil your requirements, cancellations must be notified in writing and emailed to:

The email must be sent no later than 30 days after the subscription was initially taken. Please note, that without exception, refunds cannot be made after the initial 30 days.

  • The delivery of the newsletter can be by email or via website password login at the discretion of MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd.
  • You should note that the invoice for the MARCUS TODAY Stock Market Newsletter may be tax deductible in some hands. Please verify this with your accountant.
  • Publish times are live on the website as content is published. The newsletter content is published from 7:30am AEST onwards and completed when a final summary email is sent, usually around 5pm AEST.
  • By subscribing to the newsletter or signing onto a free trial, you are also opting to receive email communications and their attachments from MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd. These emails may include additional newsletter-style information about stocks. These emails may include marketing material for the services and products of MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd. For free trials, these emails may arrive after the free trial period has expired.
  • The newsletter is distributed to paid subscribers only on the condition that it is not to be re-distributed or reproduced without the permission of the author. The copyright remains with the author. Unauthorised reproduction includes photocopy, email, fax or publication of any of the content of this newsletter. Unauthorised distribution includes re-distribution by any means and in particular by email, fax or photocopy. Any unauthorised form of disclosure, re-distribution or reproduction is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action and cancellation of your subscription without compensation. This newsletter is intended for members of the Marcus Today subscription base and no one else.
  • Right to terminate membership: MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd values respect and professionalism in all interactions. We reserve the right to terminate any membership if a member engages in behaviour that is abusive or excessively disruptive, as solely determined by MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd. In such cases, we will provide a written notice of termination and issue a prorated refund based on the remaining months of your subscription. This measure is intended to maintain a constructive environment for all our members and staff.


The advice in the MARCUS TODAY Stock Market Newsletter has been prepared without taking account of any personal investment objectives, financial situation or needs. Therefore, before acting on the advice, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice, having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. Please consult the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for the securities and financial products we write about in the MARCUS TODAY Stock Market Newsletter before buying or making any decision about whether to acquire a security or product mentioned. You should invest only an amount that you can afford to lose.

MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd has tried to ensure the soundness of the opinions and recommendations, as well as the accuracy of the information used to derive them, but it makes no representation and takes no responsibility as to the soundness of any opinion or the accuracy or completeness of any information in the MARCUS TODAY Stock Market Newsletter.

All opinions expressed represent the MARCUS TODAY Stock Market Newsletter’s opinions as of the date of publication and may change without notice. The MARCUS TODAY Stock Market Newsletter is for information purposes only and is not intended as an offer or solicitation with respect to the sale or purchase of any security or financial product.

None of MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd, its employees, directors or associates guarantee the performance of a security or financial product that is recommended in the MARCUS TODAY Stock Market Newsletter. All of MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd, its employees, directors and associates disclaim to the maximum extent permitted by law any liability for any loss or damage however caused arising as a result of any recipient relying on information in the MARCUS TODAY Stock Market Newsletter.

MTIS Private Wealth Pty Ltd is the licensor of the Marcus Today newsletter and may receive brokerage or commission in connection with a recommendation or dealing in financial products as a result of a recommendation. MTIS Private Wealth Pty Ltd and/or its associates may also have some other pecuniary interest or other interest in making the recommendation. Particulars of brokerage or commission and any other interests will be disclosed when the addressee seeks the personal advice of MTIS Private Wealth Pty Ltd.

MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd to the full extent permitted by law, disclaims any liability for any loss (including but not limited to consequential and economic loss) arising in connection with the improper or incomplete transmission of this newsletter or delay in its receipt, or with any information, recommendation, advice or omissions in or from this newsletter.

This is at best general advice. The newsletter has no regard for the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any specific recipient. The addressee should not rely on any of the information or recommendations in this email without first seeking advice from their own financial adviser with respect to their own financial circumstances. This report is based on information obtained from sources believed to be reliable but no independent verification has been made, nor is its accuracy or completeness guaranteed. This report is published solely for informational purposes and is not to be construed as a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell any financial products. Opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice and the division, group, subsidiary or affiliate of MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd which produced this report is under no obligation to update or keep the information current. The financial products described herein may not be eligible for sale in all jurisdictions or to certain categories of investors. MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd and/or its directors, officers and employees may take positions in and may make purchases and/or sales as principal or agent. MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd accepts no liability for any loss or damage of any kind arising out of the use of this report.

The licence holder MTIS Private Wealth Pty Ltd has prepared a Financial Services Guide (FSG) which sets out, among other things, information on the commissions, remuneration and benefits that they and their associates may receive in respect of providing a financial service to you should you so choose to avail yourself of their services. You can obtain the FSG by clicking HERE.


This website is owned by MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd. MARCUS TODAY and the Marcus Today logos and designs are all trademarks owned by MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd.

This website complies with appropriate Australian legislation and unless otherwise specified, is directed solely at those who access this site from Australia. MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd does not make any representation that any product or service referred to in the materials on this website is appropriate for use, or available, in other locations.

MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd has taken care of the preparation of the content of this website. To the extent permitted by law, MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd disclaims all warranties, either express or implied terms of satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose. All such implied terms and warranties are hereby excluded. MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd does not represent that the information contained in this website is accurate, comprehensive, verified or complete, and shall accept no liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in the website or for any reliance placed by any person on the information.

MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd shall not be liable for any loss that may arise from the use of the information contained in any of the materials on this website.

Certain (hypertext) links in this site will lead you to websites that are not under the control of MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd. When you activate any of these you will leave this website and MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd will accept no responsibility or liability in respect of the material on any other website.

This site may contain material that advertises products and services of third parties. MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd exclude liability for any illegality or breach of other regulatory rules arising from, or error, omission, ambiguity or inaccuracy in, such material.

If any provisions of these disclaimers and exclusions shall be unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.

The copyright in the material contained in this website belongs to Marcus Padley, MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd or its licensors. Any person may copy any part of this material, subject to the following conditions:

  • Permission must be sought from the copyright owner. Email MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd at marcus@marcustoday.com.au.
  • The copies must retain any copyright or other intellectual property notices contained in the original material.
  • The products, technology or processes described in this website may be the subject of other intellectual property rights reserved by Marcus Padley or by other third parties. No licence is granted in respect of those intellectual property rights.
  • Images on this site are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced or appropriated in any manner without written permission of their respective owner(s).

Please note that the above terms and conditions may be updated by us from time to time without notice. By browsing this website you accept that you are bound by the current terms and conditions and we therefore recommend that you check these each time you revisit our site.


You may find your billing information about your membership by visiting the ‘My Account’ section of the website, under ‘Account Details’.

Automatic renewal can be turned on in your ‘My Account’ section of the website, under ‘Account Details’. You agree to the offer of automatic renewal by clicking the ‘Submit’ button.

Automatic renewal locks in your latest membership rate and any loyalty discounts incurred for your continued membership, for the membership length period selected at the time automatic renewal is turned on.

The location of your loyalty discount can be located on your latest tax invoice. You can also request for your latest tax invoice by emailing us at info@marcustoday.com.au or by calling the team on 0458 009 821.

At the end of your membership period and each membership period thereafter, we will automatically renew your membership and charge your Payment Method the ‘locked-in rate’ and/or loyalty discount at the time automatic renewal was turned on, until you cancel your membership.

Automatic renewal can also be turned on by written request sent to info@marcustoday.com.au or by calling the team on 0458 009 821.

You can cancel your membership and/or automatic renewal at any time by going to the ‘My Account’ section of the website, under ‘Account Details’. You agree to cancel your offer of automatic renewal by clicking the ‘Submit’ button.

By cancelling your membership and/or automatic renewal, you may also forfeit any loyalty discounts incurred on your membership period and each membership period thereafter.

Cancelling your membership and/or automatic renewal automatically closes at the end of your current billing period.

You are not obliged to turn on automatic renewal and automatic renewal can only be turned on by members or with explicit permission from our members.

Please note: there will not be a transfer of a consumer’s billing information to any third party and all billing information is kept secure and hidden.


Promo codes

  1. All promotional price brackets are in Australian Dollars (AUD).
  2. The promotional code is valid for a limited time only.
  3. Only one promotional code can be used each time and therefore cannot be combined with other offers using promotional code.
  4. Promo codes cannot be applied to previously placed orders.
  5. Each promotional code can be used only once, unless otherwise specified.
  6. Each promotional code applies only to qualifying items. Details are specified in the promotion.
  7. The promotion code is subject to all restrictions set forth in the offer.
  8. The promotional code is not transferable, and may not be resold or redeemed for cash.
  9. Promotional discount(s) cannot be applied after membership has been placed and confirmed. No adjustments on previous purchases.
  10. MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd reserves the right to void the transactions where prohibited.
  11. MARCUS TODAY Pty Ltd promotional offers can be amended or withdrawn at any time.