
Great stock tips more than cover my subscription.

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R. M.

“I keep renewing because you follow the KISS principle – ‘Keep It Simple Stupid’. When there is nothing new, you say so.”

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P. B.

“I’m tracking well and enjoying being a member. Some of your philosophies and viewpoints have helped influence my approach massively.”

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J. W.

“In my investment journey, I have subscribed to many quality newsletters. Marcus Today by far the best.”

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C. B.

“Great content and advice you can use to make $$$. It’s all about knowledge: the more you have, the further you’ll get.”

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S. H.

“Your daily commentary is something that I cannot do without, a bit like chocolate! It’s like talking to your best mate over a beer.”

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J. K.

“Marcus, without a doubt you have the best market analysis of any investment body I have subscribed to over the years.”

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G. C.

“I’ve done well… not so much out of buying, but not selling. You’ve given me the confidence and knowledge to hold rather than sell.”

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H. K.

“Easy when markets go up, up, up… it’s when sh*t hits the fan that you need some advice. That’s why I joined  Marcus Today.”

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R. H.

Very happy to remain a subscriber.  Lots of good stock market advice from Marcus and Henry, with an entertaining and down-to-earth journalistic style.

The team at MT does a great job.
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D. E.
Did absolutely nothing this year with the share market just enjoyed the dividends rolling in.
I’ll see how it goes in the new year, I may start to get busy pressing the buy button.
Thanks for all of your great wisdom.

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D. L.

“Education, ideas, entertainment, community. I find it valuable, and have recouped the subscription fee without any trouble.”

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Thank you all for the effort that goes into the newsletter and it is the personal touch and the enthusiasm shown dispensing such incredible knowledge and experience. It is this that has kept me as a supporter and that gets me to remain as a subscriber.


Finally, after two decades of building my own share portfolio with some success (dumb luck?), I joined MT just over two years ago hoping to better educate myself about the share market and learn more about share trading as a side activity. I wish to let you know I have found the information and strategy provided by you to be an invaluable resource and appreciate your ongoing efforts to improve what is already by far the best Australian share market newsletter on the market.


Thanks for all you do.

I hold the Marcus Today newsletter in very high regard and place a lot of trust in the views and information provided, especially that it is truly independent.

Thanks for your incredible newsletter – I am a very happy devotee.

V. K.

“Marcus Today provides a great opportunity to educate yourself. Wish I was reading when I was a young investor.”

read more


After many years, I still love “ Marcus Today “

And its predecessor- Marcus’s book.
If I had to give reasons, they would be:
1. The humour
2.  Marcus- particularly in his introspective and philosophical moods
3.  Henry’’s stock insights- wry thoughts based on great experience
E. U.

“Actionable advice, not wooly and vague hints… good advice that sometimes goes counter to boring financial advice orthodoxies.”

read more


The newsletter, [as a] whole is excellent and the only stock market newsletter worthwhile subscribing to.

The combination of you and Henry is perfect, the tone of the content is spot on.


As interest in the share market is a passion for me, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your newsletters every day this year and often, a few times a day!

The MT newsletter is my “go to” and first choice of share news to check on every morning.


Timing the market – themes, macro and sentiments and when they change sure set the scene.

Coupled with other data to analyse risk helps.

Sounds simple, but practice – including don’t predict, re-act timeliness – helps also.

Thank you for helping us muddle through a challenging year.


The pearls I value most are your concise insights – the ‘vibe’ of the market based on decades of experience – rather than just fundamentals or technicals.

What stands out for me and its success is not just the trying to help us make money but ‘trust’.

Congratulations on a quarter of a century. I hope there are few more years left.


Very happy still after a few years now. You just get better and better each year!

Henry’s watercooler recs on Saturday are fantastic and an additional treat.

Must be a great place and culture to work in.


Marcus you have without a doubt, the best market analysis of any investment body I have subscribed to over the years. Congratulations. It is an absolute pleasure to be one of your many subscribers.


After my initial 14 day free trial (years ago), one of your minor “throw away lines” (my interpretation), led to me buying BHP at a good price and cum-dividend. This alone paid for 1 years subscription. Since then I have been on auto-renewal, 2 years each time. Thank you for your excellent newsletter. One good idea, tip or analytical foresight can pay for one’s subscription. Please keep it up for mine (and your) lifetime.


Thank you for the human touch you include in your newsletters. I especially value the advice to children and young adults. It is thoughtful, nuanced and gentle and I have used it several times to my kids – especially in driving lessons! Keep up the excellent work.



Hi Marcus,

I really appreciate your continued help, encouragement, and expertise. I always look forward to reading the Marcus Today Newsletter, which is always accompanied by your sense of humour and practical tips which I enjoy, and the input of the Team especially from Henry and Chris. Please don’t retire yet!

Warm Regards,



Marcus Today is awesome! Love it. Love the daily reports and fb group. Listen [to the podcasts] every day. So supportive. Intend to use more of the benefits. Love the humour and sincerity and no nonsense way about it. And I like the stories! So thanks for a great product.


The newsletter is SOOO damn good I have cancelled three others in preference to yours – you guys get 1st prize.


I wanted to say a big thank you to you and your team for a somewhat life changing few years.

Pre Covid19, we were ravaged by drought and then bushfires. We had to make the hard call and destock our cattle farm due to lack of feed. A very sad day and one a lot of farmers endured in 2019. We sold our entire herd for a tenth of their value. Our calves sold for $10 each – less than the price of 3 avocados at Coles that same day. I decided to invest the money from that day’s sale ($30K all up) and subscribed to your newsletter which you very kindly offered at a discount. The money we have made from that investment has enabled us to restock our farm (at much inflated rates I might add – cattle are now $10 per kilo). So we are kind of back to where we started – but would never have been able to do so without your investment strategies, encouragement, honesty and above all, a wicked sense of humour.

Thank you so much.



Hi Guys

Wishing all the team a very safe and relaxing Christmas and New Year!

Congratulations on a very successful year!

As a full time share investor, having taking a redundancy a few years ago (with a very active approach) I’m extremely happy with my membership.

I appreciate there are many different investment/trading styles with an associated risk profile it is refreshing to hear Marcus, Henry and Chris all talk and write with so such common sense on markets and approach to stocks – WELL DONE GUYS!!.

I’ve a focus on small caps and growth, with fundamental and technical, Henry I think WBT and BRN are ready to explode over the next 2 years, and RAC has such a great risk / reward proposition.

Cheers WC


I have just renewed for another 2 years for the 5th time. Just before every renewal I trial other subscriptions just in case there is something new or better out there. I find MT is still the best for me though. I suggest you make full use of your trial and you will see for yourself the wealth of information available. 


Why subscribe to MT? Knowledge, education, ideas, hints…. 


Easy when Markets go up up upIt’s when the Sh…T hits the Fan you need some advice. That’s why I joined  MT


In my investment journey, I have subscribed to many quality newsletters. Marcus Today by far the best. Also they are not afraid to improve what they provide. 


Benefit of Marcus Today?

Making money is the ultimate benefit.


Great content, and advice you can use to make $$$. It’s all about knowledge, the more you have the further you get.


Actionable advice not wooly and vague hints… good advice that sometimes goes counter to boring financial advice orthodoxies… research on not only fundamental analysis, but on sentiment/herd/psychological elements of investing, laid back and useful writing that is not stuffy, pretentious or lame…  


Main benefits for me have been education, ideas, entertainment, community. I find it valuable and have recouped the subscription fee without any trouble.


Marcus Today provides a great opportunity for educating yourself. I have found the writing to be some of the most relatable and easy to understand information regarding the share market. Wish I was reading when I was a ‘young investor’.

Rob G

Morning Henry,

Today could be the day…come on giddy up!!

It’s a great achievement being able to double your money, congrats.

From my perspective it has been a fantastic learning experience watching you manage your portfolio, when you buy, when you sell and understanding your thought process and how you connect the dots.

How you balance and grow your portfolio…

Even just dealing in percentages rather than dollar values has helped my thinking and emotions around my own decision making.

All this has been invaluable guidance to me and shown me a way to manage my own portfolio that probably would have taken years to learn on my own and helped me build my confidence and I feel I make better decisions because of what I have learnt.

So Thanks and once again Congratulations!!


Robbie S

Hi MT,

Many thanks for your fabulous work. I’m grateful to have found MT as I feel I’ve learned so much from reading your column and listening to your podcasts. After having a bad experience with a broker who was managing my SMSF, I’ve taken it over myself, figuring that I can pay myself to lose money instead of paying them! Actually since reading MT I haven’t been losing money, and my fees are quite reasonable!

Many thanks again.

Paul B

Hi Marcus and Team,

It really does feel like being part of an investing family.

I’m tracking well and enjoying being a member (and genuinely cared about by the team!), although I’m not quite as active as I used to be in terms of reading everything you make available. Looking after three kids as a home dad sees to that 🙂

That said, retail investing is my job now and has been since I joined. Getting out of my commercial management role in the corporate world and doing this instead has been brilliant, and some of your philosophies and viewpoints have helped influence my approach massively.

E. B

Thank you MT team… once again, your Newsletter & candid assessments have more than paid for the ‘cost’ of subscription. Our Super Fund sold BHP today, 2 parcels bought in April & May 2020. ‘Risk’ is up there, as noted by MT today – we were sitting on 45% gain. Why sit like a chook on an egg?  Inertia!  Capital Gain plus 2 cash dividends & imputation credits have given us in total a 55.7% gain in about a year. Enough to pay 2x annual Term Life policies for 2 of our 4 Fund members, plus the Fine Art Insurance renewal, with some left over & original capital back in the bank.  A self-funded retirement means having funds at the right time to pay regular expenses. Your Newsletter helps us do that. Thank you SO MUCH.


Hi Henry,

I just wanted to say another thank you. It’s a year today since I began investing and my results are way beyond the wildest expectations I had when I envisaged a year ago where I hoped to be today. A lot of that is down to you and your small cap section of marcustoday. I have a very different investing strategy to the one I started out with and small caps are a major part of it.

I don’t know whether many people ever tell you how they go but from a good size investment amount that my wife agreed to trust me with (!), I’m 133.8% to the good (as of CoB yesterday). It hit as high as 155% last week but RNU has had an expected pullback I elected not to risk selling out of, rightly or wrongly, and that is my biggest holding.

Biggest winners: RNU, DW8, FYI, LKE.

Warm regards, and keep up the inspiring work!

P. L

What a ripper of a newsletter today after only 1 day back congratulations

Congratulations to everyone who made this possible, I’m sure it took a lot of hard work.

I’m glad I renewed my subscription.

P. H

I would like to acknowledge the MT team and members of this group. It is because of you that I get to feel like a very smart investor who has done very well lately. Despite the old adage that a rising tide lifts all boats, if it wasn’t for my investment in becoming an MT member, I would not be looking back on the last 3-6 months with as much pleasure as I am now (from an investment perspective of course – Covid has been a real s***show). Thank you.

A. R
Being a part of this group has made my transition into investing in equities sustainable and enjoyable. It’s good to feel a part of something bigger and have the support, feedback and insight, though I am also growing in confidence, enjoy learning and am developing my own approach over time.
Thanks everyone 😊
R. C

I am what I would describe as an accidental investor and without his [Henry] calm and steady demeanor coming down the Facebook airwaves everyday during a very difficult lockdown in Malaysia I don’t think I would have managed to stay focused and I certainly wouldn’t have been able to pay my kids school fees …without his ‘general advice’. So please tell him he’s a real Hero to me and I will continue to hang around Henry’s part of the Newsletter for some time to come.

Geoff C

Thanks team…I joined in late June and I’ve already done well…not so much out of buying, but by not selling. You’ve given me the confidence and knowledge to hold rather that sell out of some stocks…as they’ve risen nicely. I think this is an underrated aspect of this business…

Meg. P

I am very happy to renew my subscription to the MT Newsletter. It is the most wonderful resource, without which I would be really struggling. I am so impressed with everything that my membership offers me – wonderfully invaluable research, chatty and amiable commentators; indeed the whole team is full of great people who offer support and advice. I love the newsletter, and every improvement works well. The Stock Box is a fabulously useful tool, and I even like the Facebook group – the only time I click on that app is to check out MT. Henry’s great Friday evening session is a good way to end the week.

MT has given me so much information, I feel that I am a much better informed investor. I just wish that I had acted on ALL the advice offered – my income fund is too heavily weighted towards banks and they are too far under water to sell in my opinion 🙄, but my growth portfolio has benefitted considerably from my MT reading.

Thanks to everyone there who works as part of the MT Team,

Bill J

Hi Henry … my portfolio (23 stocks … mostly your pics by now) up over 11% in 4 days … golly! Who’d have thought?

G. Jenkins

I’m just writing to say thanks.

I manage my super fund. I’ve never had the time to be agile so I’ve implemented a basic buy and hold strategy. However, at the end of February, I decided to sell some of my investments and sit on the side-lines until June when I thought the uncertainty would have diminished. I joined your subscribers in March after reading a newsletter from Marcus. The opinions that you guys expressed gave me the courage to step cautiously back into the market and I have an 8% gain in 3 months. So thank you. I don’t think it is as large as your gain, however, and whilst I’ve enjoyed the ride, I think I’ll be asking you to manage some of my money in the coming months.

Keep up the good work. Best wishes.

Bill. J

Really appreciate your transparent, candid, no marketing nonsense commentary.

A month ago I didn’t know how I was going to face my accountant this year … and now my SMSF is almost back to pre-Corona levels.

Tim. S

I stumbled upon the Marcus Today Newsletter and subscribed for 1 month at $85 (and will definitely be renewing my subscription)..following Marcus’ advice I have made $60,000 in the last 2 weeks (although I regret not going all in as Marcus suggested).

I would never of made those investments without this newsletter and so for me that $85 investment has so far returned 70,588%! Not bad!

J. L

Most investment letters only tell you what to buy or sell but they never support their recommendations with fundamental facts and statistics.

Marcus Today makes it very easy for its readers to have access to a lot of very pertinent financial information, news and data ready for cross referencing and research.

J. Lee

I found Marcus Today excellent. It is full of very useful information supported by lots of technical research, facts and statistics.

I am a research oriented individual. Without facts and statistics, I just cannot make an educated investment decisions.

J. L.

I fell in love with Marcus Today during the fourteen day trial period. I found it excellent.

It is full of very useful information supported by lots of technical research, facts and statistics.

This newsletter makes it very easy for its readers to have access to a lot of very pertinent financial information, news and data ready for cross referencing and research.


I would like to thank you for the very informative newsletters you keep producing. This is what we need in these volatile times.

I also subscribe to other newsletters but none are as comprehensive as yours.

Thanks again

J. F

I subscribe to Marcus Today because it has made me a fortune, getting out at the top and telling me when to start buying.

What more could anyone want?

J & T. W

Our 4/5 years of subscribing to your newsletter, your training program and your role in the AIA have been invaluable to our confidence and management of a very difficult period.

You clearly show the care and sense of responsibility you feel for all of us and particular those of us who have invested with you. The honesty, clear analysis, length of commentary and humour are inspiring, calming and enjoyable.

T. K

Some early feedback for you and the team. I signed up yesterday and the quality of information is outstanding and your experience/rational thinking in a chaotic market is highly intelligent and thoughtful.

I trade and run our SMSF. I have signed up to three other publications/brokers over the last year who using your terminology are classic ‘click cowboys’. Every time the market falls, it’s the chance of a lifetime to buy. Idiots.

Thank you for being completely impartial.

M. Pollock

For Marcus and team,

An excellent article ‘We are on our own now’, it points up the difference between Marcus Today and others.

A. C

I find the Marcus Strategy and Henry’s Take segments very instructive.

Thanks again.

A. Scroggie

I subscribed to the Marcus Today newsletter late last year and have found it valuable from day 1. Their balanced analysis and insight into the market has been a great way to figure out what’s important and their rule-of-thumb approach to risks and investing has helped prepare me for the volatile market conditions currently being experienced.

I have only been investing in the stock market for a relatively short time. I was fortunate to win a Portfolio Assessment with one of MT’s senior analysts (Chris). The Assessment was extremely valuable. It has helped in my general understanding of the markets, how to form an investment strategy, how to assess particular stocks and to think about where I want my portfolio to get to in the future. I would recommend this service to any other MT members, the potential upside to your portfolio is worth the investment. Thanks Chris and Marcus Today!



I have read [an Australian Financial Newspaper] for many years (front to back) to gain insight and knowledge on Shares and Investing. I can’t believe the depth of information, readability and presentation contained in your Newsletter and now feel more confident than ever to understand the complexities of investing in a very readable, concise yet in depth facility of your Newsletter.

Congratulations – I look forward to being associated with your Company for many years to come.


I really enjoy your commentary on individual stocks and on the market in general. Your daily commentary is something that I cannot do without, a bit like chocolate, or ice cream!  Transparent. It’s like talking to your best mate over a beer (or coffee).

D**** R***

I mainly like “Marcus Today” because it is entertaining, witty and well written with a lots insights from experienced “stock market operators”. I am personally a bit more of buy and hold orientated with my own investments but always good to pick up god ideas to think over. I like the longer fairly general pieces like a recent one on what to own if you think the markets are heading for a downturn, one on short selling and an article on what moves share prices short term.

S** H*****

Henry and Marcus provide a service which is a quantum leap beyond any other existing share investing newsletters!

B****** D’****

“Hi Henry,
It was terrific to get another market “fix” in your session today. Can’t tell you how much I appreciate what Marcus Today is offering to its subscribers, it really fills a hole. I’m sure plenty of others feel the same way.”


If I had to summarise the reasons for success, I would say well priced; common sense with a bit of humour as a personal touch. MT provides age related knowledge and experience from Marcus and Henry that is not possible to replicate.

P*** M***

Gives me good honest advice and strong integrity; unconflicted, deep not shallow; factual and pragmatic; great insights; all helps me to manage my portfolio


I subscribe to your newsletter because you have proven to me that I can trust your no-nonsense approach. (You) help eliminate ‘noise’ from the market in making decisions (and) provide a wide variety of information, education and advice, all with a good balance of philosophy and humour. You have the members’ share market standing at the forefront.

M*** O***

1. To keep me informed on what is going on in world markets, particularly Australia.
2. To provide investment ideas.
3. To learn from your mistakes, you are happy to put your hand up and say I’m wrong and why. This is very valuable.

All the best for the year ahead.


I have learned and continue to learn to be much more disciplined in my SMSF portfolio management AND to hear another voice separate from my full-service broker/advisor. I now feel that I manage them, rather than they manage me.


Great newsletters – keep calling it as it is – no BS. Love the updated news, overnight & daily updates of world financial events & business news — that can affect markets. Love the charts and explanations. The Facebook forum is a is a great innovation > love the ‘no dickheads’ policy

B*** T***

Helping me assess opportunities and get in and get out of stocks profitably.

C*** Family

I attended a seminar at Perth Fraser Suites last year and met Emma and Marcus along with Sean. It was an advanced session which I attended half the seminar (as I am beginning/intermediate). It was informative and solid and as I have not had an actual person in life to teach me this stuff, you along with the website and different articles has enabled me to learn at my own slow pace amongst people whom I have now grown to trust. So Thankyou and I am looking forward to meeting you more in person in the future.

R*** T***

I have been a member for some years now and Marcus today is a very important part of my daily routine.
As Marcus says many times, we must turn the computer on everyday, well I do that to catch up on all the market chatter and to see how my portfolios are going. Marcustoday provides commentary on what you think the market is doing, something a little deeper than the news media.

In addition to managing a SMSF and a trading portfolio I am a convenor for the Australian Shareholders Association organising three meetings a month for Members. The biggest frustration is the lack of information (not data) available to people who are not in the daily work force. Many times I recommend Marcus to Members who want to know what is going on, whether they should sell everything or just stay the path. I know you do not recommend only comment, but even that is better than nothing.

We were all lost when Your Money died, and as Henry says there really is no replacement, so now we watch CNBC and only really receive overseas information. Marcus is on the point so continue please, the trading area changes are not as good, because you don’t say what you are doing more what you have done, but that is probably because the price of the stock changes so much once Marcustoday talks about it.

AND please keep up the humour, it lightens the stresses in the market.

T*** S***

I sign into Marcus Today to help me cut through the financial, economic and stocks media noise to gain relevant insights in how to manage my Super money within my risk profile and my other higher risk profile fun account.

M*** B***

As a subscriber of 10 years or more – firstly in the corporate world of banking and finance, and now retired – your newsletter helps me know the state of the market and individual shares in which I am interested without any bias (really important!). It also helps me understand how the market works in plain language. I can choose to delve deeper – or not – and as I am in no way a share market expert I work to the level that makes sense for me now. It has both complicated (the need to know more) and de-complicated (the need to know when I’m at a point when extra information is pointless) my investment life. One success barometer is that I have made more money than I have lost in the direct market, although I still leave the management of most of our superannuation and pension savings to fund managers. You made that OK too. Most valuable anecdote directly from you at one of your 2018 courses…”I know someone who keeps their retirement money in managed funds and just keeps an eye on the market trends. Gets out when the market falls and gets back in when it starts to rise.” I was already doing this but wasn’t sure if it was the best way to manage our money. Takeaway: do what suits your style and knowledge level best. My husband who has almost zero knowledge of the markets and investments thinks I’m a guru and that’s got to be a good thing! Many thanks for your years of good information with a human touch.

D*** G***

I initially subscribed on your “tell it like it is..” message as I had been suckered into other newsletters that certainly don’t and I stayed because you do what you say on the box. Do you get every call right, no but you do get most right and one of the very few that give you honest, informed market commentary along with fantastic education all with a sense of humour. That’s why I look forward to my market fix first, with Marcus today.

I really like the way you have evolved and suspect that the big increase in subscribers is that you have the newsletter at the moment in just the right space offering everyone what they need/want. ( Chris portfolio’s, daily trade section, henry’s small caps and all the info to guage the daily market temperature…etc etc ) Big kudos for continual improvement as the daily video update and Ask an analyst facebook group are great additions ( you helped me get over the loss of the yourmoney business channel!)

G*** I***

Firstly, I really enjoy the Fresh honest sincere, daily news of what’s happing in the share market world.
Secondly, I am an investor and trustee of my SMSF (> $1 Million) and am looking out if any shares in portfolio are running any risks, that I need to do something about. Also looking out for opportunities for new growth companies on the horizon that I should invest in for the LT.

I do also enjoy the special articles published to sharpen my technical skills. Has helped me to overcome the “Hold” at any price mentality.
However, I have sold some shares on your advice, even though those shares continued to go up after sold…. (e.g. COH and RIO).
I Am currently cashed up and looking for new investment opportunities.

The new Facebook group page to share ideas with other subscribers is a tremendous addition…

Very with the newsletter.


Got burnt a bit by smart arses (in the past) so why I continue to re-subscribe is because you and your team have honesty and integrity, a rare commodity it seems in this world.

I*** B***

Articles analysing companies looking to review management capabilities and strategies to help look for good growth investments.

S*** G***

You admit your mistakes (generally) and don’t sweep them under the carpet.
Your results aren’t sugar coated and I like it when you get it wrong your happy to admit your human.
It gives me more confident knowing you get it wrong as much as I do.
Having said that resetting your Portfolio’s to October last year when the index was at it’s lowest seems a bit sneaky. How about giving us the result for 2018-19 financial year.

R*** M***

I keep renewing because you follow the KISS principle – Keep It Simple Stupid.

Sufficient facts to be credible.

Comments when they are required. When there is nothing new, you say so. You don’t make up stuff.

When you make a mistake, you own up and say so. All goes to credibility.

Keep going. I like what you are doing and I find your guidance invaluable.

P*** D***

I subscribe to MT for information on how the market is going mainly. I am not a trader and am fairly conservative in my investments, the main thing I want to know is if there is another GFC event coming, so the newsletter will hopefully give me a heads up there.

I do like articles on the bigger companies or more top end heavy portfolios like your Top 50 portfolio.

J*** G***

You and your team are already providing what customers expect… You call a spade a spade and provide a personal touch with your humour and opinion… The newsletter caters for all levels of investor across a broad range of stocks and other instruments… without running a personal agenda or sales spin. I feel that your balance is perfect at the moment. Henry runs the SSP which focuses on small to middle market capital growth and income stocks for the investor that may want to take a bit more risk. Chris is doing an excellent job on the portfolio side of things which is good for the less “risk tolerant” and income type of investors, while you provide general market commentary, insights and themes.

S*** C***

To receive straight forward honest advice without the bullshit and without the relentless push by most newsletters to try and constantly upsell you. I’ve only been a subscriber for about a month and already feel that I am getting excellent value for my investment.

M*** S***

Very good commentary about the workings of the stock market, good coverage of lesser known stocks and excellent strategic advice.

T*** H***

1. You are not a Broker as such, therefore I place more credence to your information.
2. Your suggestions and comments tend to align with my thoughts and ideas. Call it confirmation bias if you like.
3. Your article last week re what goes on behind the scenes with Brokers is just what I’ve been looking for. It confirmed my suspicions about what “skulduggery” they get up to behind the scenes. I have often “banged on” to my investing friends about how the “big guys” don’t buy or sell at the going price. If they want to buy they will push the price down and the opposite if they want to sell. So what. I’d do the same IF I have the money that they have to Play with. Several of my friends have now been convinced and purchased subscriptions (one for 2 yrs I think). Knowing what moves the market helps me learn to be a better player in this game of “snakes and ladders”.
I hope these few comments give you some insight as to why I subscribe to Marcus Today.

L*** Q***

Only been actively trading for 6months and while watching Your Money, I found Henry to be trusted source of information. I enjoyed his persona and commentary around stocks.  Subscribed to Marcus Today shortly after. 3 emails a day, with whats happening in the market (and around the world) that’s easy and enjoyable to read.


Initially I subscribed after reading your newspaper articles and seeing you on the ABC over a number of years, realising that ‘he thinks like me’, no fluff, to the point with a bit of humour. What I like about the newsletter is that your team does the initial work, alerts me to stocks I probably wouldn’t read about, and then I do my own analysis and before making a decision. This I enjoy but it also gives me more time for other endeavours.


Essentially a place I can go to get everything I need that is stock related… I really like seeing how you manage the growth portfolio. In particular, what stocks you are adding and why… I also enjoy the humour both Marcus and Henry inject into the newsletter.

K*** O’D***

Someone I can trust to help manage my SMSF


I like the “down to earth, tell it like it is” language of Marcus Today as well as a wealth of information and daily updates (3 times a day) which keep me well informed.

J*** H***

Because I get ideas on stocks to buy (or sell) but mainly because I rely on it to tell me when to go to cash to avoid being smashed as I was in the GFC

R*** D***

For me it is all about buy ,hold and sell and the accuracy thereof

J*** T***

An industry professional cutting through ie It’s not buy and hold, it’s about an active investing approach, so do yourself a favour and learn something about trading. Candid assessment of his industry and the debunking of myth and mystique. Lively daily chatter: informative and entertaining for those for whom the stock market is also something of a hobby.

J*** R***

Introduction to new companies. Broker views as well as Marcus Today views on companies. Close of market prices on various securities / commodities / FX. Another opinion on what’s going on in the market / the world

J*** S***

Marcus, I value your view on the market.I use your newsletter for assessing my balance of stocks, bonds, hybrids, cash, Overseas shares, RESI and unlisted real estate.

G*** S***

Just to keep me informed about the market, by someone who follows it in some detail, knows the ropes, and “tells it like it is” (as you say).

L*** H***

Don’t change anything! I subscribe because you tell it like it is – your background note last week about your ‘bovver’ mate and what really drives markets is just one example. These background stories provide an underlying confidence in the underlying investment strategy and reduces the tendency to make panic decisions.

Keep it coming and thank you.

W*** R***

Insight, understanding and some good suggestions.

G*** E***

I subscribe to outsource the initial stock selection process and to understand what your team are seeing in the Market. What I like most is your honest no-nonsense approach. Too many stocks on the ASX for me to cover them all, so I allow you to narrow the field of potential candidates. I take your recommendations and then research them in detail myself to decide if they are suitable for me and those whos money I manage.


Why I subscribe is to go to ONE SITE and get ALL the information I require news and world events in brief. What’s happening stockwise as well. I like the simplicity of the layout.  And one thing I dislike are price movements shown in percentages, real dollars and cents are what you put in the bank.  Keep up the good work and you keep my subscription.

C*** K***

You have a very succinct and good variety of daily info on ‘macro crap’ and also on companies through the ‘stockbox’ and daily newsletter. This all lets me get a ‘feel’ for the market and individual stocks. I also like that you include a world view as well. I would like to see the international stock boxes expanded.

P*** F***

As a trusted source of equities advice particularly in stock picking growth stocks as a kicker for our SMSF


Quick access to a wide range of updated information, quickly. I like reading about the range investment ideas, gaining an understanding of strategies adopted by different people, and developing/adapting to my investments over time.


I subscribe to quickly and accurately get a finger on the pulse of what’s going on in the markets today. I notice there are times when the road seems clear ahead and I feel confident to invest or sell . Those times are valuable and I’m happy to sit and observe until they come. You guys are all I need to run a portfolio worth a couple of million with confidence, and have done so for years.


Share ideas, an independent view on markets, and as a sanity check!  Well done on your service.

M*** B***

REASONS and INFORMATION. I don`t always take the tips, but you give me the information that i sometimes struggle to find as to why certain things are or had happened.

P*** B***

For advice that I can trust and is therefore useful in making my investment decisions.

S*** D***

Fearless advice, tell it like it is, lots of ideas.

V*** S***

Financial education, stock ideas, prompt financial news and some interesting “off topic” narrative


I was almost fully invested in the market in 2008. As a result, I took a bath. I want guidance to help prevent me making the same mistake again. You are my canary in the coal mine.


I like the daily commentary because it is both granular in the daily here and now, as well as grounded in a longer-term market narrative. Commentaries are insightful and authoritative within the constraints of a daily feed. Commentaries are also candid about the uncertainties, dilemmas and mind games associated with market assessments. I value the tools and resources, but I rely more on Stock Doctor for ongoing portfolio management tools…. Above all, I subscribe because of the simple and insightful connections drawn between daily market events and long-term emerging trends – enabling the reader to be challenged by the quick snap shots of future implications for companies/sectors/countries/portfolios.


I wanted a one stop shop with solid unbiased views on the market and the economy. By subscribing I have cut out a lot of noise which has given me clear focus. Marcus Today has all the tools I need such as the Stock Box, Portfolios, Database and the new Facebook group which is wonderful.

L*** S***

To receive information which is useful in managing our SMSF. This has included specific share info, general comments on what you think market is going to do, ‘heads up’ on different opportunities/dangers the market presents at various times. I also find the succinct daily reports interesting.


Hello Marcus/Team, your common sense, practicality, teaching, and stock selection is much appreciated… I do appreciate your application in trying to do your best for us ‘punters’ out here. Your innovations in trying various presentations and approaches will strike a chord for many. Henry also seems to fit in well, with some inspiration, balance and common sense also. As we learn along the way, we can’t get it right always, but a few good ones more than make up for the duds. Marcus, you seem to have recruited and developed a good team.

B*** D***

The newsletter is one of the highlights of my day. It’s brill.


MT provides personal, honest opinions and writings from Henry and Marcus that make the report extremely educational. Quick information on what is going on in the premarket report and judgement calls on company reports and announcements…not a copy and paste from the company that I won’t understand… Marcus shares a lot of his experience of years in the market…He keeps repeating things like the dangers of reporting season and confession season. People learn through repetition, and they need to be constantly reminded of the dangers before they fire up the computer.

J*** L***

I like your frank reporting on your investing  decisions both good and bad.  The others  try to hide their mistakes.

J*** C***

I am retired with a SMSF to live off. I enjoy investing and the mental challenge of picking, buying and selling, Enough about me.

I selected you for my newsletter for this year (coming off FNARENA) because you have:

  • Opinions about companies to go with the data (Stockbox)
  • you report long and short analysts
  • you report on market and theme based stories.
R*** K***

I enjoy the ideas and information contained in the daily news .It helps with managing my SMSF, thank you!


I like the short and to the point Stocks in the End of The Day section, specifically with emphases on the stock with a “big” jump in value. Never use Market Map section and I can’t imagine why anyone will use it. I am often looking for Henry and now Chris’ confirmation of my ideas regarding what to buy. This is very helpful. To be able to ask questions and get short/long answers is very important for me. I love Henry’s Take section … again it’s an excellent place to confirm my ideas with an experienced professional. Keep it to the point, without telling me history of the humankind.


Easy. No bull. No crap. No hassle

G*** D***


Just keep telling it like it is. No bullshit, no sales-pitch, no hidden agendas, no excuses or blaming, no game-playing.

If you get it right, tell us how. If you get it wrong, tell us how. Sick to death of brokers, commentators and newsletter spruikers who pedal bullshit in their own interests, akin to the barbers who always “advise” you to get a haircut.

Keep being different.

S*** W***

An information source to assist idea generation and market overviews allowing the investor (me) to make my own decisions.
– Broaden perspective
– Alternative views
– Big picture themes
– Idea generator, company analysis
– Mid-small cap company introductions valuable, hard for retail investors to be aware of potential opportunities to follow

G*** R***

I subscribe to Marcus Today as I am especially interested in

1. the articles on the ‘hot’ areas of the markets, eg. oil, gold etc; and world events that are likely to effect our markets; and
2. I got my first five bagger this year, PNV, and would like to think I could do it again. Thus especially like Henry’s tips on smaller stocks.

C*** M***

I am overseas on holiday at the moment but your newsletter is first preference to read each day – great news clips, love the thoughts on the company updates & following some of your portfolio suggestions. I also enjoy your views on whether you are being cautious, selling or buying overall etc as I have found the last couple of years particularly challenging in the markets (I have been investing for about 30 years and have subscribed to many publications along the way).

B*** P***

Simple really, I’m getting to that stage where I should be taking a far greater interest in my SMSF than I have been. I’m lucky in as much that a considerable amount is going into it, which has lulled me into being lazy. Having a reasonable handle on TA, having used and been a part of MDSNews in the past, but not knowing where to start looking, the information that you provide is excellent, making it easy to make decisions on where to invest my funds.

Really happy being a subscriber, keep up the good work!

G*** M***

The reason I subscribe and have done for several years are numerous. Yes all the things you covered in your preamble, honesty, tell us how it is, stockbox etc. etc. brings me back to the ‘fold’.  However what I really think it is, is that I can personally relate both Marcus’s & Henry’s mental demeaner. Its not something you can bottle and sell. You either have it or you don’t.  These guys don’t put themselves on a pedestal, they stuff things up as well, this also helps me mentally knowing that even the best are infallible. There is lots of good stuff in this newsletter but most of all it is the integrity behind the words.

Keep up the good words

P*** H***

Love your work! …. multiple reasons
1. Education that helps me do a better job eg I carry Marcus SELL missive from 2015(?) in my notebook, use the stock ATR numbers per stock in my spreadsheet and finally understood candles from the article earlier this year. IE gives me the tools!!!
2. Specific stock ideas to test what fits with my portfolio and objectives.
This includes Buy Hold Sell, Henry’s small stock portfolio ( I would never find these ideas elsewhere eg PNV) and understanding the ideas and structure in the growth, top50, and income portfolios. The ideas are really valuable.
Prompts me to do more research.
3. What’s happening in stock announcements and some ideas around movements albeit just a large fund mgr selling however what’s facts or just momentum.
Some context on specific stocks and the overall market.
4. BTW I have a LinkedIn account but never a Facebook account. However I opened a Facebook account just to get the Marcus stock discussions. Jury out however it demonstrates the power of your brand!

G*** M***

I like Marcus Today because the amount of information suits me, and I enjoy the educational articles and insider yarns. I like seeing what you are doing with the portfolios and there is enough commentary for me to decide for myself if I follow or not.

K*** H***

Stock picks that make me money

Z*** O***

Someone to back my judgement (anyone I agree with must be smart. Someone to research areas beyond me (other brokers, overseas stuff, obscure companies etc). News that is current, (not 3-6 months old like some. News that is trade specific, not motherhood/generalization. Someone who can say “I don’t know!” rather than bullshit!

Thanks Marcus!

C*** G***

We subscribe to the Marcus Today newsletter to become better investors for our SMSF. Through the newsletter we are better informed and make better investments. The newsletter is beneficial because it Educates, provides advice and tips and have improved our performance immensely since subscribing in the distant past. Thank you for your informative reading in the newsletter and the many other articles, Buy, Hold Sell in particular.

K&J H***

We subscribe to the MT newsletter to become better investors for our SMSF.  Through the newsletter we are better informed and make better investments. The newsletter is beneficial because it Educates, Provides advice and tips and have improved our performance immensely since subscribing in the distant past.

Thank you for your informative reading in the newsletter and the many other articles, Buy, Hold Sell in particular.

T**** D*****

Dear Marcus

At the outset, let me tell you that I am very pleased with my investment in Marcus Today.

I read your daily Bulletins with great interest – and they have certainly influenced my investment decisions.

Your commentaries on current Market movements are most enlightening

particularly enjoyable when they are spiced with your wit and humour.

Kind regards!

E*** M***

Having read the article “Character and experiences are your aces in life’ published in the West Australian yesterday, I need to say that the level headed comments from the article are a breath of fresh air compared to the hyped up media stories we have been bombarded with lately.

It was genuinely refreshing to hear someone state the obvious fact, that if you have a passion for sport and you are given a rare, (well paid) opportunity to make it your career, why wouldn’t you make the most of it, financially and socially?

I shall pin this article on my wall at work and hope that everyone reads it.