I sign into Marcus Today to help me cut through the financial, economic and stocks media noise to gain relevant insights in how to manage my Super money within my risk profile and my other higher risk profile fun account.

T*** S***05/07/2019

As a subscriber of 10 years or more – firstly in the corporate world of banking and finance, and now retired – your newsletter helps me know the state of the market and individual shares in which I am interested without any bias (really important!). It also helps me understand how the market works in plain language. I can choose to delve deeper – or not – and as I am in no way a share market expert I work to the level that makes sense for me now. It has both complicated (the need to know more) and de-complicated (the need to know when I’m at a point when extra information is pointless) my investment life. One success barometer is that I have made more money than I have lost in the direct market, although I still leave the management of most of our superannuation and pension savings to fund managers. You made that OK too. Most valuable anecdote directly from you at one of your 2018 courses…”I know someone who keeps their retirement money in managed funds and just keeps an eye on the market trends. Gets out when the market falls and gets back in when it starts to rise.” I was already doing this but wasn’t sure if it was the best way to manage our money. Takeaway: do what suits your style and knowledge level best. My husband who has almost zero knowledge of the markets and investments thinks I’m a guru and that’s got to be a good thing! Many thanks for your years of good information with a human touch.

M*** B***05/07/2019

I initially subscribed on your “tell it like it is..” message as I had been suckered into other newsletters that certainly don’t and I stayed because you do what you say on the box. Do you get every call right, no but you do get most right and one of the very few that give you honest, informed market commentary along with fantastic education all with a sense of humour. That’s why I look forward to my market fix first, with Marcus today.

I really like the way you have evolved and suspect that the big increase in subscribers is that you have the newsletter at the moment in just the right space offering everyone what they need/want. ( Chris portfolio’s, daily trade section, henry’s small caps and all the info to guage the daily market temperature…etc etc ) Big kudos for continual improvement as the daily video update and Ask an analyst facebook group are great additions ( you helped me get over the loss of the yourmoney business channel!)

D*** G***05/07/2019

Firstly, I really enjoy the Fresh honest sincere, daily news of what’s happing in the share market world.
Secondly, I am an investor and trustee of my SMSF (> $1 Million) and am looking out if any shares in portfolio are running any risks, that I need to do something about. Also looking out for opportunities for new growth companies on the horizon that I should invest in for the LT.

I do also enjoy the special articles published to sharpen my technical skills. Has helped me to overcome the “Hold” at any price mentality.
However, I have sold some shares on your advice, even though those shares continued to go up after sold…. (e.g. COH and RIO).
I Am currently cashed up and looking for new investment opportunities.

The new Facebook group page to share ideas with other subscribers is a tremendous addition…

Very with the newsletter.

G*** I***05/07/2019

Got burnt a bit by smart arses (in the past) so why I continue to re-subscribe is because you and your team have honesty and integrity, a rare commodity it seems in this world.


Articles analysing companies looking to review management capabilities and strategies to help look for good growth investments.

I*** B***05/07/2019

You admit your mistakes (generally) and don’t sweep them under the carpet.
Your results aren’t sugar coated and I like it when you get it wrong your happy to admit your human.
It gives me more confident knowing you get it wrong as much as I do.
Having said that resetting your Portfolio’s to October last year when the index was at it’s lowest seems a bit sneaky. How about giving us the result for 2018-19 financial year.

S*** G***05/07/2019

I keep renewing because you follow the KISS principle – Keep It Simple Stupid.

Sufficient facts to be credible.

Comments when they are required. When there is nothing new, you say so. You don’t make up stuff.

When you make a mistake, you own up and say so. All goes to credibility.

Keep going. I like what you are doing and I find your guidance invaluable.

R*** M***05/07/2019

I subscribe to MT for information on how the market is going mainly. I am not a trader and am fairly conservative in my investments, the main thing I want to know is if there is another GFC event coming, so the newsletter will hopefully give me a heads up there.

I do like articles on the bigger companies or more top end heavy portfolios like your Top 50 portfolio.

P*** D***05/07/2019

You and your team are already providing what customers expect… You call a spade a spade and provide a personal touch with your humour and opinion… The newsletter caters for all levels of investor across a broad range of stocks and other instruments… without running a personal agenda or sales spin. I feel that your balance is perfect at the moment. Henry runs the SSP which focuses on small to middle market capital growth and income stocks for the investor that may want to take a bit more risk. Chris is doing an excellent job on the portfolio side of things which is good for the less “risk tolerant” and income type of investors, while you provide general market commentary, insights and themes.

J*** G***05/07/2019