Meet Marcus

Meet Marcus Padley

Author of Marcus Today Newsletter

Marcus Padley is the author of the Marcus Today stock-market newsletter. Having spent 16 years in the UK as an institutional stockbroker he arrived in Australia in 1994 as a souvenir of his wife’s visit to London. He has spent the last 28 years in Australia, 4 of those as a stockbroker advising institutional fund mangers, and for the last 24 years, private clients. Marcus has developed the Marcus Today business which offers a highly regarded subscription newsletter, stock market education, and a funds management business. Marcus today has been in business since 1998.

Marcus has a Masters in Applied Finance from Macquarie and a Law degree from Southampton University in the UK. He became a Master Member of the Stockbrokers Association of Australia in June 2002 – Master Members of the SAA have to demonstrate they are a fit and proper person by continuously complying with the SAA Good Fame and Character criteria. They also have to meet the SAA knowledge and skills requirements as required, commit to meet the SAA Continuing Professional Development requirements and have employment experience of at least 7 years in the stockbroking industry. Marcus holds regulatory qualifications in Securities, Futures Markets, Managed Investments, Superannuation and Margin Lending. In 2008 he authored a bestselling book called ‘Stock Market Secrets’.

Marcus appears regularly on the ABC TV and Radio and is a much sought after media commentator, speaker and a regular at many industry bodies conferences and Expos as well as on many popular finance segments including ABC News Breakfast, ABC The Business, ABC 774, Nabtrade, Equity Mates, Ausbiz, Money Magazine, The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, and a host of other publications.

Marcus has spoken and conducted seminars at the Australian Investors Association, the Australian Shareholders Association, Rotary, the ASX, CPA Australia, The Australian Technical Analysts Association (ATAA), The REIV, the RACV Club, Resources Rising Stars conference, the Caltex Re-sellers conference (in Las Vegas), local sporting clubs, Universities, Youth Forums, Schools, the WA Mining Club and local private share groups.

Marcus’ hobbies include many things including, golf, motorcycles, surf-skiing, windsurfing amongst others.

For enquiries, please email


PO Box 7052
Beaumaris, VIC 3193

0458 009 821
Between 10am – 3pm, Tuesday – Friday

About Marcus Padley
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