Stock Discussion Group - Join Now!
Having had something like four hundred people come through our education classes, one thing is clear, Marcus Today Members, investors, when they actually come face to face, love a chat.
Watching you come alive in person has made it an obvious progression of the newsletter to connect you as Members on a social platform, one that allows us to safely discuss stocks within a community of like-minded, stock market interested, normal people that are willing to share and help.
The Australian Investors Association motto is – "Investors helping Investors". The Marcus Today Stock Discussion Group motto is “Marcus Today Members helping Marcus Today Members”.
The main drive for discussion will be for members to share stock ideas and information.
- The name of the group is the Marcus Today Stock Discussion Group.
- This is the URL for the page – - it would be a good idea to bookmark it on your browser, desktop, phone or iPad home screen.
- You will need a Facebook profile to join. It is very simple to set up from HERE if you do not have one.
- Request to join the group by clicking HERE then hitting the button:
- It is a closed group on Facebook.
- Anyone can find the group, only accepted members can post and see posts to the group.
- Members of Marcus Today can join.
- Investors who attended one of our Education Classes can join.
- Clients of Marcus Today Investment Strategists can join.
- We will be moderating content to encourage good manners and to protect our Members and to avoid time wasting, unpleasantries, spruiking, and any ‘dickheads’.
- We will be moderating membership of the group – If you are not a Member of the Marcus Today groups mentioned above you will not be able to join.
- If your subscription expires so will your membership of the Marcus Today Stock Discussion Group.
- Undesirable posts will see their authors blocked whether they are an eligible Member of not.