Welcome to the latest episode of 'On the Couch'. This occasional podcast series of chats with brokers, CEOs, and fund managers aims to give you an insight into the investing world.
In this episode, Henry Jennings is joined by Jonathon Higgins, Managing Director at Unified Capital Partners (UCP).
UCP is an independent boutique provider of financial services that span institutional broking, research, corporate finance advice and high net worth advice. UCP has deep multiyear corporate relationships across a range of sectors.

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Jonathon has worked in equities research for approximately a decade, having held previous roles at Shaw and Partners and Bell Potter Securities.
He has covered a range of sectors during that period, including telecommunications, healthcare, financials, payments and broader industrials, with a focus on structural growth.
Jonathon has a passion for financial markets, and a desire to get out and meet the new wave of entrepreneurial emerging high-quality companies.
In this podcast, Henry and Jonathon cover:
  • Their highlights of 2023.
  • Where investors should be looking in 2024.
  • Data centres and AI plays on the ASX.
  • Two high-conviction stocks for next year.
  • Their best idea for 2024.
Disclaimer: This is general advice only and you should consult your financial adviser regarding any of the thoughts, ideas or insights in this podcast.
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