
One of my daughters has been looking for a casual job and one came up at PetBarn yesterday packing online boxes. Her response was “I’d better apply before JobKeeper ends and everybody else starts looking for a job”. Clever girl. Getting ahead of the curve. The same applies in the stock market. Assume everything everybody…

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Warren Buffet's story related to Orangutans flipping coins

Stock Market Secrets: Orangutans

The concept for this article has been unashamedly stolen from Warren Buffet although it has been given an an Australian flavour. He expounded the US version in a speech in 1984 commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the book Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham and David Dodd, the bible of value investing. He called his speech…

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Diary of A Free Man

One of our members retired at 50 to become a full-time trader, hoping that he could shrug off the rat race and the typical work sleep work life. Fifteen years later he is still 'retired' and still trading full-time. After 15 years of investing, he calls it what it turned out to be, trading not…

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Why the Aussie Dollar Matters

International investors are thought to hold anywhere between 35% and 45% of the Australian market and the money is ‘mobile’, in other words it is held in the hands of fund managers, like Fidelity, whose offices are in New York, or London, and their benchmarks are global stock-market indices (mostly MSCI indices). Australia has been…

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Reporting Season Guide – August 2020

‘Tis the Season to be Careful Once again August is upon us, a time that the industry either dreads or loves. So many company results that it is hard to keep up. Analysts burn the midnight oil and investors tremble on their pronouncements. This year is set to be a one-off (hopefully). We have seen…

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The Overpricing of Technology

One member invested in technology stocks makes the point that most big technology stocks (Amazon) lost money for years and on that basis the stocks we consider to be in a bubble at the moment, which are losing money (APT, XRO), might not be a sell. My response is that you may be right but you are…

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Two Scenarios

There are arguably two scenarios for the market that could play out between now and Christmas and making money in the stock market will depend on which one transpires. Here is a description of what those two scenarios might be and how you would play the stock market under both. The problem, of course, is…

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