Who is Marcus Today?

Founded in 1998 by stockbroker Marcus Padley, Marcus Today has grown from a daily note to clients into a leading independent stock market newsletter, with in-depth company research and recommendations, financial market analysis and commentary, trading and technical ideas and model portfolios. The Marcus Today culture of “telling it as it is” has translated into…

Can I choose not to hold a particular stock?

Your account can be customised through security substitution, which allows you to avoid acquiring securities that either you do not wish to hold, or you already have exposure to outside of the SMA. Note, if you choose to customise your account, it may not perform in the same manner as the actual Model Portfolio due…

Can I make additional investments into the portfolio?

Yes, regular contributions can be a picked option indicated during the application process. Or you can use your dedicated BPAY code at any time to top-up your fund. Your BPAY code will be valid for all your transfers into your SMA account. Another option is to contact the SMA team (sma@marcustoday.com.au) to debit your linked…