Results Reactions

Results reactions as of Saturday 13th February 2021 This table shows the performance of stocks since recent results announcements or guidance – stocks are listed in market cap order biggest to smallest: This is some of the research post results this week. Macquarie results – Guidance was typically conservative but the fourth-quarter performance from the…

Retirement Today…by Harold

For those of you who are new members to the Marcus Today newsletter you might notice that on Fridays we carry articles by our resident retiree Harold. Harold is a friend of mine from the Black Rock Sailing Club, he is a very competitive, experienced and capable sailor sailing Sabres. This was me trying to…

Diary of A Free Man

One of our members retired at 50 to become a full-time trader, hoping that he could shrug off the rat race and the typical work sleep work life. Fifteen years later he is still 'retired' and still trading full-time. After 15 years of investing, he calls it what it turned out to be, trading not…

Why the Aussie Dollar Matters

International investors are thought to hold anywhere between 35% and 45% of the Australian market and the money is ‘mobile’, in other words it is held in the hands of fund managers, like Fidelity, whose offices are in New York, or London, and their benchmarks are global stock-market indices (mostly MSCI indices). Australia has been…

At What Cost

The cost of the Covid19 virus worldwide is huge.  Some, mainly from my generation, pay with their lives.  Others pay with their jobs, their businesses, or with their mental health.  The government is paying a fortune supporting people who have lost their jobs and can’t feed the family and pay their rent or mortgage.  Money…