8 Traits of the Retiree Investor

I was playing golf with a few retirees. Post their annihilation, as usual with this demographic, our bar chatter turned to the hot topic of franking credits, and how long they would last before the government adds superannuation to their list of assets to be bled for cash on top of housing. As the conversation…

The Waiting Game

The Waiting Game Waiting is boring. It’s particularly boring for anyone who likes to be active, making things happen, making decisions, seeing the consequences. Waiting is a passive activity not suited to the sort of people who are likely to run their own SMSF or investment folio. Having been convinced that a significant market correction…

Retirement Today: Crystal Ball

Looking out of our hotel room window in a small town in Portugal I noticed an oversized parking meter with a car connected by cable.  It wasn’t a parking meter it was an electric car recharging point.  It made me reflect on the number of electric cars we see in Europe and on the dominance…