8 Traits of the Retiree Investor

I was playing golf with a few retirees. Post their annihilation, as usual with this demographic, our bar chatter turned to the hot topic of franking credits, and how long they would last before the government adds superannuation to their list of assets to be bled for cash on top of housing. As the conversation…

Sell In May and Go Away

MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY After a 14.3% rally in the ASX 200 since November last year are we set up for a repeat of the old adage "Sell in May and Go Away"? I have written about the “Sell in May and go away” concept every May and make the regular comment that the only reason…

Beginners Education Glossary: I-Z

CLICK HERE FOR GLOSSARY A-H   I Imputation credit – Tax credits passed on to a shareholder who receives a franked dividend. Imputation credits entitle investors to a rebate for tax already paid by an Australian company Indicators – Analytical tools used by technical analysts to help them select shares. Inflation – The increase in…

Beginners Education Glossary: A-H

FINANCIAL GLOSSARY If you find errors or omissions please email us – Click Here   A Australian Clearing House – ACH – The Australian Clearing House Pty Ltd, the subsidiary of ASX which clears options and futures traded on the ASX. Australian Financial Services Licence – A licence granted by ASIC that authorises a person…

Stock Market News: Lucky Daughters

LISTEN – you can read this article or click on the podcast below to listen to it… My daughter was eighteen recently. We pride ourselves on our Birthday cards in the Padley family, we like to pass deep messages of truth and love. And so it was that her Birthday card from her Dad went…