Education Corner – Average True Range

Average True Range (ATR) is a simple volatility measure for all stocks (for any price). Volatility (how much a share price moves on a daily basis) helps you work out how much risk you are taking. Some share prices are risky (move around a lot) others are low risk (don’t move much). Knowing what sort…

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Education Corner – RSI

Relative Strength Index (RSI) At the bottom of many of our charts, you will see a sub-chart which shows RSI (circled in green). This is one of the mostly commonly used Technical indicators because it is one of the easiest to understand. Here is an explanation of what it is, and how to use it.…

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Education Corner – The Beetle Syndrome

The practice of hitting someone on the arm and saying “Punch Buggy Red” every time you see a red Volkswagon Beetle came from a marketing campaign by Volkswagen started in 2009, the “Punch Dub” campaign. It was the very commercial usage of something I have always known as the “Beetle syndrome”.

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