How are dividends paid?

Unless specified otherwise income and dividends received will be paid into your cash holding within your Account, and used for future investment during the portfolio rebalancing process (subject to the minimum trade size being achieved). You have the option to nominate an external linked bank account, and have your income and dividends paid into the…

How are fees and expenses paid?

Fees and expenses are paid from the cash holding within your Account on a monthly basis. You have the option to nominate an external linked bank account to setup a direct debit facility, to top up your cash holding each time a fee payment is made. This is known as “fee offset”. Instead of nominating…

How are corporate actions dealt with?

The Responsible Entity for the Marcus Today SMA, Praemium Australia Ltd will receive communications relating to Corporate Actions affecting the securities held in your Account. Praemium Australia Ltd will act in the best interests of investors in the Marcus Today SMA as a whole, but will generally not be obliged to act on any individual…

How can I track the performance of my portfolio?

Portfolio reporting is available online 24/7 via your Investor Portal where you are able to view your current holdings, cash account and security transactions, tax positions, brokerage, and fees and other charges deducted from the account. You will be given login access at the creation of your SMA account. At financial year-end you will be…

What is the turnover of stock average?

Stock turnover varies with market conditions. As we have an ability and willingness to move up to 100% cash if we see the need turnover can at times be very high, with the entire portfolio being turned over in a relatively short space of time (eg. If we were to move from 100% invested to…