Beginners Education Glossary: A-H

FINANCIAL GLOSSARY If you find errors or omissions please email us – Click Here   A Australian Clearing House – ACH – The Australian Clearing House Pty Ltd, the subsidiary of ASX which clears options and futures traded on the ASX. Australian Financial Services Licence – A licence granted by ASIC that authorises a person…

ASX Education: What Is The Average Return?

Marcus has updated this article for 2020 with the new average return numbers. You can find the updated article HERE We had a question on the Marcus Today Stock Discussion Group on Facebook asking: “Silly question but Marcus mentioned the average market return is about 9%, I assume that is capital growth and dividends included?”…

ASX Stock Market Advice: Which Bank

With the major banks accounting for 25% of the ASX 200 you can argue that they also account of 25% of total brokerage available to brokers. Trading banks is an essential part of broking, persuading people to buy and sell banks is a foundation activity for commission generation. Is it any surprise then that the…

The fight between shares and property

Property Or Shares

  THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EQUITIES AND PROPERTY I cannot tell you how many times I have read that you double your money in Australian property investment every ten years. It is the core assumption in all property marketing it seems. Of course to make any money out of that implied 7 per cent return per…

Full service broker

ASX Education: Full Service Brokers

When I started broking in 1982 there were no personal computers let alone email or online broking. Everyone used full service broking because they had to. Now you don’t have to but the industry still exists and if you talk to most people about full service brokers they will immediately launch into the terrible experiences…


When it comes to the stock market there are rallies and then there are bubbles. The media slips into ‘bubble jargon’ on a whim but Bubbles are rare. At the moment we are in the middle of an AI Bubble apparently, and a Crypto Bubble. But these aren't Bubbles, they are not going to be…