Ten Investment Rules

I have been writing the Marcus Today newsletter for over twenty years and read something called "Farrell's Rules" over thirty years ago. There is an article about "Farrell's Ten Rules" below which you might find interesting, but as I read them, I realise they are a bit old, and I'm sure we can do better.…

Warren Buffet's story related to Orangutans flipping coins

Stock Market Secrets: Orangutans

The concept for this article has been unashamedly stolen from Warren Buffet although it has been given an an Australian flavour. He expounded the US version in a speech in 1984 commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the book Security Analysis by Benjamin Graham and David Dodd, the bible of value investing. He called his speech…

Beginners Education Glossary: I-Z

CLICK HERE FOR GLOSSARY A-H   I Imputation credit – Tax credits passed on to a shareholder who receives a franked dividend. Imputation credits entitle investors to a rebate for tax already paid by an Australian company Indicators – Analytical tools used by technical analysts to help them select shares. Inflation – The increase in…

Beginners Education Glossary: A-H

FINANCIAL GLOSSARY If you find errors or omissions please email us – Click Here   A Australian Clearing House – ACH – The Australian Clearing House Pty Ltd, the subsidiary of ASX which clears options and futures traded on the ASX. Australian Financial Services Licence – A licence granted by ASIC that authorises a person…


Goodman Group is a global integrated property company, engaged in owning, developing and managing industrial property and business space in the markets across the world. The principal activities are investment in directly and indirectly held industrial property, property services, property development (including development management) and fund management. GMG’s segments include Australia and New Zealand, Asia,…

ASX Education: What Is The Average Return?

Marcus has updated this article for 2020 with the new average return numbers. You can find the updated article HERE We had a question on the Marcus Today Stock Discussion Group on Facebook asking: “Silly question but Marcus mentioned the average market return is about 9%, I assume that is capital growth and dividends included?”…

Marcus On the Best Investment In the World

I have four kids. Three of them are now driving, which means that in the last five years we have gone from a ratio of two taxi drivers being taken for granted by four passengers to five taxi drivers and one passenger. While that has been a huge burden off our taxi driving duties, it…