These testimonials appear on the following page, /about-us/newsletter-benefits/testimonials/

Hi Guys

Wishing all the team a very safe and relaxing Christmas and New Year!

Congratulations on a very successful year!

As a full time share investor, having taking a redundancy a few years ago (with a very active approach) I’m extremely happy with my membership.

I appreciate there are many different investment/trading styles with an associated risk profile it is refreshing to hear Marcus, Henry and Chris all talk and write with so such common sense on markets and approach to stocks – WELL DONE GUYS!!.

I’ve a focus on small caps and growth, with fundamental and technical, Henry I think WBT and BRN are ready to explode over the next 2 years, and RAC has such a great risk / reward proposition.

Cheers WC


I have just renewed for another 2 years for the 5th time. Just before every renewal I trial other subscriptions just in case there is something new or better out there. I find MT is still the best for me though. I suggest you make full use of your trial and you will see for yourself the wealth of information available. 


Why subscribe to MT? Knowledge, education, ideas, hints…. 


Easy when Markets go up up upIt’s when the Sh…T hits the Fan you need some advice. That’s why I joined  MT


In my investment journey, I have subscribed to many quality newsletters. Marcus Today by far the best. Also they are not afraid to improve what they provide. 


Benefit of Marcus Today?

Making money is the ultimate benefit.


Great content, and advice you can use to make $$$. It’s all about knowledge, the more you have the further you get.


Actionable advice not wooly and vague hints… good advice that sometimes goes counter to boring financial advice orthodoxies… research on not only fundamental analysis, but on sentiment/herd/psychological elements of investing, laid back and useful writing that is not stuffy, pretentious or lame…  

E U09/12/2021

Main benefits for me have been education, ideas, entertainment, community. I find it valuable and have recouped the subscription fee without any trouble.


Marcus Today provides a great opportunity for educating yourself. I have found the writing to be some of the most relatable and easy to understand information regarding the share market. Wish I was reading when I was a ‘young investor’.
