Education Corner – TAX Loss Selling

We are approaching June and it’s a good time to start talking about tax loss selling in stocks, something that we should all think about in May rather than June. It works like this. Assuming you pay Capital Gains Tax, many of you don't, on June 30th the tax man will freeze your portfolio, add…

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Education Corner – 10 Investment Rules

I have been writing the Marcus Today newsletter for over twenty years and read something called "Farrell's Rules" over thirty years ago. There is an article about "Farrell's Ten Rules" below which you might find interesting, but as I read them, I realise they are a bit old, and I'm sure we can do better.…

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Trading Tutorial

For the benefit of new members this is a repost of recent trading tutorials. Offering an explanation of the terms and phrases used in the trading section. This section will be posted under "education" and updated with new insights over time. The two primary indicators used in our trading section are relative strength index (RSI) and moving averages (MA). The RSI is…

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