Income investing 101

Income Investing 101

Many retirees open a bank account for dividends. Every stock they buy they do the paperwork directing the share registry to pay any dividends into that bank account. Non-retiree investors, as well as some of the wealthier retiree investors, will elect instead to have the registry use the dividend to buy more shares under the…

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Stripping Dividends

ASX Education: Dividend Stripping

A Guide to getting the most out of Dividends – Every six months the results season comes around. Every February and every August and results time is the time to start maximising those relatively huge Australian dividend pay outs. On current forecasts over a third of the top 200 stocks yield more than 6.0% including…

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Pull the Weeds

The life of a trader is not what most of us might imagine it to be – ie. glamourous, exciting and paved with gold. More likely it is solitary, private, a bit boring and when done right, provides a living. We could all be traders. We could all be Arnold Schwarzenegger too. Go to the…

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Don’t Worry About Beating the Market

Individual investors can march to the beat of their own drum, giving them a significant advantage over professionals. It is a simple question and goes to the heart of any investor’s journey. My answer is, do you want to beat the market? The benchmark indices were set up so you can measure your performance against…

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The Harry Kane Portfolio

What does Harry Kane, English football’s highest ever scorer, have to do with investing? Henry Jennings explains. I have this theory, one that I have put to some of my fellow Englishmen, that Harry Kane is a hoax. Now I know that Harry Kane, the captain of the English football team, is now the highest…

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Christmas Message from Marcus and Henry

Another year down. Our 24th. We survived. I guess it’s hard for some newsletter writers, journalists and commentators to constantly work under deadlines, deadlines that constantly renew the moment they are met. I admire you all, I admire my competitors (the good ones). You are a tough lot doing that all year. But luckily, Henry…

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Why Bother Investing At All?

Ithaca is the island in Greece that Odysseus had so much trouble returning to in Homer’s Odyssey. On his way he survives run ins with the Cicones, Polyphemus (Cyclops to you), Circe, the Sirens, Scylla, the winds of Aeolus, the Laestrygonians, Zeus, Poseidon and Calypso. A rough trot, and when he finally gets there no…

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