On the Couch with Equity Mates

Back in August, Henry was joined by not one but two guests, Bryce Leske and Alec Renehan, the podcast doyens from Equity Mates. Two great young guys starting out on their investment journey and sharing with the world. They have created a series of successful educational podcasts which interview industry experts on investing and all things…

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In a bit of a departure and to keep Harold on his toes today we are publishing an article from one of our subscribers Vivienne. You might find some empathy in her situation and I’m sure she would love to hear from you if you do. At 82, I have been a self-funded retiree for…

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What is the Average Return of the ASX?

So what is the truth? What is the average return from the stock market? Fourteen per cent, nine per cent, or something else? I have done the calculation for you. If we use the All Ordinaries Total Return index (it used to be called the Accumulation Index) which includes all cash dividends reinvested on the…

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Times Change

Times Change “In times of change learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists” – Eric Hoffer, American writer. That was the quote of the day in MarcusToday a little over a year ago.  I always enjoy the quote of the day.  Some…

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Retirement Today…by Harold

For those of you who are new members to the Marcus Today newsletter you might notice that on Fridays we carry articles by our resident retiree Harold. Harold is a friend of mine from the Black Rock Sailing Club, he is a very competitive, experienced and capable sailor sailing Sabres. This was me trying to…

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